Red Lover

February 27, 2011

Ralat Soal "Pemboikotan Film Hollywood" (^^")>

Maaf nih, lagi-lagi harus gw ralat. Masalah posting gw yang ini [Film Hollywood ditarik *Hadeeh*] (yaa, paling gak buat liucu-lucuan aja deh, hhe) gw baru dapet informasi terkini, dari BBM, antara lain: (haduuh, laen kali harus lebih hati-hati dengan informasi yang ada, bisa berabe dengan informasi-informasi yang hot kayagitu, gak taunya salah -_-")

Silahkan dicermati.
1. TIDAK ADA kenaikan bea film Import apapun dari Direktorat Jenderal Bea Cukai. Masih sama dengan yang disepakati oleh WTO (Organisasi Perdagangan International), yaitu film yg diimport harus membayar:

A. Bea masuk per copy
B. Bea Royalty
C. Bea bagi hasil

2. Sayangnya, pihak 21 hanya membayar Bea masuk per copy saja. 2 bea yg lain tidak dibayar sejak 1995 Padahal sebetulnya TIDAK ADA kenaikan biaya apa-apa. Faktanya 21 yang TIDAK BAYAR ke pemerintah sejak 1995. Jadi siapa yg dirugikan? Anda bisa lihat sendiri

3. Pada Saat ini SBY menginstruksikan untuk di tata ulang soal pajak film, Direktorat Jenderal Bea Cukai membuka kembali catatan yg ada dan ditemukan bahwa 21 tidak pernah membayar 2 item bea yang lain

4. Jumlah yg harus dibayarkan 1000% karena tertunggak dari 1995. Karena itu 21 tidak mau bayar dan menggunakan ancaman mau memboikot film2nya. Mereka menggunakan masyarakat pecinta film Hollywood untuk diprovokasi menyerang pemerintah dengan menyebar isu kenaikan biaya Import menyebabkan MPA Boikot film Import

5. Jadi, 21 sedang melakukan politik adu domba antar pecinta film, antar sineas, dan antar pemerintah. Hal itu dilakukan untuk menekan pemerintah karena tidak mau bayar bea yg besar itu Jadi bilang sama temen2 kamu, kita sedang di provokasi. Di adu domba.

Sekarang pihak 21 dan DJBC (Direktorat Jendral Bea Cukai)sedang melakukan negosiasi dan pada saat ini juga, 21 terus akan membangun opini : Film Hollywood akan ditarik dari peredaran Sehingga nanti, ketika terjadi kesepakatan yg akhirnya membuat harga tiket naik, masyarakat akan protes ke Pemerintah.

Jadi sebagai masyarakat kita harus cerdas menyerap informasi.

Nih, beberapa link lainnya yang bakal bikin lo tambah yakin:


February 23, 2011

20 Amazing Things About the Human Body

1. Approximately 50,000 cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells during the time it takes you to read this sentence. We make a new skeleton every three months and a new layer of skin every month.

2. There's something unique about all of us, and it's not just your fingerprint. Every human has a unique tongue print, too.

3. Every square inch of your skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels, 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1,300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, and 3 million cells.

4. In one hour, your heart produces enough energy to raise a ton of steel 3 feet off the ground.

5. You use an average of 43 muscles in your face when you frown. It only takes 17 muscles to smile.

6. Red blood cells are frequent fliers. After being created inside the bones, the cells make approximately 250,000 round trips -- at 60,000 miles each trip-- through the body before returning to the bone marrow to die 120 days later.

7. The adult human body comprises 206 bones, and more than half are accounted for in the hands and feet.

8. The heart will beat an average of 3 billion times during an average person's lifetime.

9. The aorta is the large artery that runs down the center of your body. It's almost the diameter of a garden hose. By contrast, capillaries, the body's smallest blood vessels, are so small that it takes 10 of them side by side to equal the thickness of one strand of human hair.

10. The average person will lose 100 strands of hair per day and over 10 billion skin flakes. Get out the vacuum!

11. The human eye can distinguish up to a million different colors and take in more information than the largest telescope known to man.

12. When we touch something, the signal travels through the nerves to our brain at a speed of 124 mph.

13. The skin is the body's largest organ, but it's also a pretty big medicine cabinet. The skin secretes antibacterial substances and serves as the first layer of defense for invading microorganisms. Most bacteria that land on the skin die quickly.

14. An adult stomach can hold up to 1.5 liters of material, but this doesn't mean you have to test that limit at every meal.

15. Fingernails and hair are made out of the same substance -- keratin.

16. During the first month of life, an infant is learning so many new things that the number of connections, called synapses, between brain cells increases from 50 trillion to 1 quadrillion. By comparison, if the rest of the infant's body responded with equally rapid growth, she'd weigh 170 pounds by the time she was a month old.

17. If the shoe fits...well, just make sure it does. The big toe is one of the most important structural parts of the body. That one appendage is responsible for helping us maintain our balance and propel us forward when walking .

18. The human liver is responsible for more than 500 distinct processes in the body. It is so important that if a person has two-thirds of their liver removed as a result of trauma or surgery, it will grow back to its original size in as little as four weeks.

19. Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime.

20. The average person takes 23,000 breaths a day. Make this one count.


10 High-Stress Personality Characteristics

10 High-Stress Personality Characteristics

Chronic Stress Isn't Normal

Stress has been so ingrained in our days and in our culture, that we probably don’t even recognize it any more. We may believe that the general underlying sense of uneasiness we feel is normal and acceptable. Or we might blame the tension and stress we experience—in traffic, at work or at home—more on what’s happening “to” us than what’s happening “within” us.
The problem with this attitude is that it brings on a sense of helplessness, that there’s nothing we can do about stress other than cope. This thought alone is a source of stress, isn’t it?
When you realize that the stress you experience may have something to do with you, it helps you take control and start to solve the problem. Here are 10 personality traits that are symptoms of being highly stressed. Some are characteristics that, by their nature, add even more stress to your life. This list will help you recognize if you are highly stressed and give you ideas for doing something about it.
How many of these qualities do you exhibit?
  1. Over-planning each day. Do you feel the need to stick to a strict schedule? Do you live in fear of falling behind or overlooking a task?
  2. Doing several things at once. With too much to do and not enough time, it’s easy to think that “efficient” means doing everything at once. He who chases two rabbits catches neither.
  3. Extreme need to win. Do you feel like a failure if you don’t come out on top—even when the only competition is your own expectations?
  4. Excessive desire for advancement. Highly stressed people need confirmation from outside sources that they’re doing okay and performing well.
  5. Inability to relax without feeling guilty. Do your weekends become opportunities for “accomplishment” and “getting something done.”
  6. Impatience with delays. When you’re under pressure, everything in life takes on urgency and the additional burdens to get everything done as fast as possible.
  7. Overcommittment. Are you chronically late or forgetful of commitments? Does your schedule cause problems in personal or professional relationships?
  8. Chronic urgency. See #6. Now!
  9. Highly competitive drive. Have you forgotten what it’s like to have fun for fun’s sake? Have you “grown up” so much that playtime actually causes you anxiety?
  10. Compulsion to overwork. Is your office more familiar to you than your backyard? Do you find yourself missing out on what you might otherwise deem “meaningful”?

source :

    Theory of Crime: Biological and Sociological

    1. Biological Theories of Crime

    1.1 Lombroso’s Born Criminal

    Theory: some people are born with strong, innate predispositions to behave antisocially; based on the Darwinian idea that some people are genetically closer to their primitive ancestry than others.

    A page of criminal faces from Lombardo’s ‘L'Uomo Delinquente’ (1876)
    Lombroso’s Research:
    • Believed that criminals represented a separate species that have not yet evolved into Homo sapiens.
    • Collected data on physical measurements of Italian prisoners.
    • Conclusion: criminals can be distinguished by physical abnormalities (ex: flattened nose, large ears, fat lips); he proposed a taxonomy of 5 criminal types (CPPB and J):
      • Criminaloids: crime due to bad examples.
      • Professional: crime as a trade.
      • Passion: crime as intense love.
      • Born Criminal: crime as a predisposition.
      • Juridicial: crime as impulsivity.
    Related Research: Goring compared the physical measurements of 3000 prisoners to non-prisoners and found no differences.
    Results: most criminologists do not support this theory but many view him as the father of modern criminology.

    1.2 Sheldon’s Somatotypes

    Theory: proposed a link between physical characteristics and personality (constitutional psychology). He proposed three somatotypes, with a correlation between somatotype and personality (temperament):
    1. Endomorph: fat and soft – viscerotonia (sociable).
    2. Mesomorph: muscular and hard – somatotonia (adventurous).
    3. Ectomorph: thin and fragile – cererotonia (restrained).
    People are classified on a 7-point rating scale for each category (ex: 1-7-1 is a pure mesomorph).
    Research (the link between delinquency and physique): Sheldon predicted that mesomorphs would be related to delinquency because of their muscularity and need for adventure.
    Results: research is inconclusive; he found that delinquents tend to be mesomorphic (and some endomorphic); recent research suggests there is no relationship.

    1.3 Jacob et al’s Chromosomal Theory

    Theory: violent crimes result from a genetic abnormality – the XYY supermale syndrome (males with 47 XYY) because the XYY makes people more masculine (and therefore more aggressive).
    Research: research does suggest that XYY males exhibit impulsivity, low tolerance for frustration and low tolerance for anxiety.
    Results: mixed results; the link is not specifically with violent crime (more with theft and sex offences), some XYYs aren’t criminals and most criminals aren’t XYYs.

    1.4 Twin Studies

    Theory: genetics play a big role in crime.
    Research: meta-analysis of 13 studies revealed that 51.5% of MZ (identical) twins and only 20.6% of DZ (fraternal) twins are concordant for crime.
    Results: heredity does play a role in primarily non-violent criminality but so does environment (see: adoption studies).

    2. Sociological Theories of Crime

    2.1 Merton’s Strain Theory

    Theory: society encourages everyone to achieve the same goals without giving them equal opportunities to achieve them. The discrepancy between what society asks for and what the structure of our society permits is what causes crime. There are 5 ways of adapting to strain:
    A Comparison of the 5 Ways to Adapt to Strain
    Adaptation Means (Opportunity) Goals Example
    Conformist Accept Accept Regular people (middle-high class society)
    Innovator Reject Accept Criminals
    Ritualist Accept Reject Low-income families
    Retreatist Reject Reject Drug addicts
    Rebel Accept new, rejects old Accepts new, rejects old

    2.2 Cohen’s Subculture Theory

    Theory: where a subculture emerges within a dominant culture because they are isolated from society. This subculture has its own norms, values and belief system.
    Focus: delinquent boys formed their own subculture where they could properly compete for status

    2.3 Becker’s Labelling Theory

    Theory: where a person is not deviant (or a criminal) until they are so labelled. This label creates outsiders by causing them to feel isolated and associate with other outsiders; this causes them to engage in the behaviour that society expects of them.
    This theory examines the labelled, labellers and the impact of the label on the labelled.


    The Role of Music: To Bulid up Your Children Brain

    "Researchers believe that musical training actually creates new pathways in the brain."

    Music has a powerful effect on our emotions. Parents know that a quiet, gentle lullaby can soothe a fussy baby. And a majestic chorus can make us swell with excitement. But music also can affect the way we think.
    In recent years, we've learned a lot about how the brain develops. Babies are born with billions of brain cells. During the first years of life, those brain cells form connections with other brain cells. Over time, the connections we use regularly become stronger. Children who grow up listening to music develop strong music-related connections.
    Some of these music pathways actually affect the way we think. Listening to classical music can improve our spatial reasoning, at least for a short time. And learning to play an instrument may have an even longer effect on certain thinking skills.

    Does Music Make Us Smarter?
    Not exactly. Music seems to prime our brains for certain kinds of thinking. After listening to classical music, adults can do certain spatial tasks more quickly, such as putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
    Why does this happen? The classical music pathways in our brain are similar to the pathways we use for spatial reasoning. When we listen to classical music, the spatial pathways are "turned on" and ready to be used.
    This priming makes it easier to work a puzzle quickly. But the effect lasts only a short time. Our improved spatial skills fade about an hour after we stop listening to the music.
    Learning to play an instrument can have longer-lasting effects on spatial reasoning, however. In several studies, children who took piano lessons for six months improved their ability to work puzzles and solve other spatial tasks by as much as 30 percent.
    Why does playing an instrument make such a difference? Researchers believe that musical training creates new pathways in the brain. 

    Why Classical Music?
    The music most people call "classical"--works by composers such as Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart--is different from music such as rock and country. Classical music has a more complex musical structure. Babies as young as 3 months can pick out that structure and even recognize classical music selections they have heard before.
    Researchers think the complexity of classical music is what primes the brain to solve spatial problems more quickly. So listening to classical music may have different effects on the brain than listening to other types of music.
    This doesn't mean that other types of music aren't good. Listening to any kind of music helps build music-related pathways in the brain. And music can have positive effects on our moods that may make learning easier. 

    What Can You Do?
    Parents and child-care providers can help nurture children's love of music beginning in infancy. Here are some ideas:
    • Play music for your baby. Expose your baby to many different musical selections of various styles. If you play an instrument, practice when your baby is nearby. But keep the volume moderate. Loud music can damage a baby's hearing.
    • Sing to your baby. It doesn't matter how well you sing! Hearing your voice helps your baby begin to learn language. Babies love the patterns and rhythms of songs. And even young babies can recognize specific melodies once they've heard them.
    • Sing with your child. As children grow, they enjoy singing with you. And setting words to music actually helps the brain learn them more quickly and retain them longer. That's why we remember the lyrics of songs we sang as children, even if we haven't heard them in years.
    • Start music lessons early. If you want your child to learn an instrument, you don't need to wait until elementary school to begin lessons. Young children's developing brains are equipped to learn music. Most four- and five-year-olds enjoy making music and can learn the basics of some instruments. And starting lessons early helps children build a lifelong love of music.
    • Encourage your child's school to teach music. Singing helps stimulate the brain, at least briefly. Over time, music education as a part of school can help build skills such as coordination and creativity. And learning music helps your child become a well-rounded person. 


    Earthworm as A Great Natural Medicine

    The myth of Earthworm treatable disease, such as; Typus, fever, heart disease and stroke due to thrombosis, rheumatic, hypertension, diabetes, hemorrhoids, beauty skin and hair growth, not just talk, circulating in society.Some people feel disgusted with earthworms. Make no mistake, it was behind the smooth, earthworms save a lot of benefits. In fact, many people who take it to cure some disease, without effects, so safe to consume.According to the experiences of people who have a fever or high body temperature, with additional material earthworms consume their disorder increases.

    According to a study done that earthworms are very high source of protein. Earthworms also contains several amino acids with a high level. One of them, worms Lumbricus Rubellus contain very high protein content approximately 76%. This is higher than the flesh of mammals (65%) or fish (50%) level. Several studies have proven the existence of the antibacterial protein extracted from earthworms that can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria, gram negative dysenterica Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi. 
    Earthworms also contains the active substance in the form of the enzyme, which consists of: 
    a. lumbrokinase enzyme (restore & stabilize blood function). 
    b. catalase peroxidase (slows aging) 
    c. Lignase cellulose enzyme (restore & stabilize the digestive function.) 
    d. arachidonic acid (to accelerate the formation of new cells). 
    e. αE tocoferol (elatisitas maintain & skin rejuvenation). 
    f. Taurine (speed up fat metabolism to increase energy). 
    g. Nutrients: polyunsaturated fat, calcium, phosphorus, fiber.

    To make a drink worm, a worm that first thoroughly cleaned first. To remove fishy odor and taste, worms usually boiled with ginger. After the stew is filtered and ready to drink. More delicious when added to honey or practical sugar.For practise, many worms that have been prepared in consumption. Worm Worm has been through the process of drying and put into capsules.

    Myths about earthworms is fulfilled, besides earthworms can safely treat us in terms of commercial good-enough. Moreover, the Indonesian people already know very well with a single animal.

    Earthworm packed in tablet

    The benefit of worm as a natural medicine

    I will share about the benefits of worm extracts for health, like:
    • Working as a bio medicine, there is no side effects.
    • Safe for all ages (very good for adults and children).
    • Safe to consume in the long term and continuously.
    • Safely used in conjunction with doctor medication, also enhance those drugs work.

    Other diseases can be cured by earthworms

    Type of earthworm which usually used as a natural medicine are Lumbricus rubellus, Eisenia poetida and Pheretima sp. This kind of earthworm useful for :
    • Normalize the metabolism of human body cells.
    • Nervous system (calming, eliminate cramps, lower the heat, stop the pain).
    • Cardiovascular system (lowering blood pressure, normalize the irregular heartbeat).
    • Immunological system (enhancing immune / immunity against disease).
    • Respiratory system (widen nasal passages).
    • Blood circulation (prevent formation of thrombus, prevent blood clotting, destroying a thrombus).

    Based the information from various source and expert, there are many diseases can cured by the earthworm. Like :

    • Healing typhus.
    • Lowers cholesterol.
    • Improve endurance of the body.
    • Lowers high blood pressure.
    • Increased appetite of eating
    • Treat digestive tract infections such as typhus, dysentery, diarrhea and other stomach disorders such as an ulcer.
    • Treat respiratory infections such as: cough, asthma, influenza, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
    • Reduces aches because of fatigue or rheumatic.
    • Lower blood sugar for diabetic.
    • Healing hemorrhoids, eczema, allergies, wounds and toothache..
    • Counteract nicotine.
    • Healing encephalitis, pneumonia, stroke, inflammation of the ear, liver, acne.
    • Maintain stamina of the body.

    Research and Clinical Trials

    • XUANWU HOSPITAL OF CAPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE (Medical school). XIANGXI PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL and XIANXI MEDICAL COLLEGE doing research and clinical trials for Lumbricius Rubellus enzyme powder to 345 patients with blood disorders of the brain (cerebrovascelus ischemic disease) and effectiveness of treatment reaches 93% and 73% complete healing.
    • CANADA RNA Biochemical Inc. develop the research on Lumbrokinase enzyme which found in Lumbricus Rubellus and managed to standardize this enzyme became a medicine of stroke. This medication is used to prevent blockage of coronary arteries (Ishemic) which invites the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension and stroke.
    • Prof.H.M. Hembing Wijaya Kusuma (medical expert  and medicinal plants). He said that earthworm extract contains 20 kinds of amino acids and proteins (76%) higher than fish or meat, Archidonat acid , lumbrokinase enzyme, peroxidase, catalase, cellulose, and lignase.
    • Dr.Husein Ahmad, MD Ph.D (President Director of HOLISTIC INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL). The best quality of Lumbricus Rubellus. That has the main function as an anti trombus with the "BIO ACTIVE" three main enzyme: Collagenase Enzyme, Fibrinolycin Enzyme, Protibinolycin Activator Enzyme, It's function for : Hipertention, Hipotention, Stroke, Thipoid, Improve the immune system. 


    "Dragon Fruit" with its awesome benefits

    • Family: Cactaceae family
    • Origin: Mexico and South America
    Dragon fruit plant is a night flowering vine-like cactus, the beautiful yellowish flower is about 1 foot long and 9 inches wide, bell shaped and very fragrant, they open during the early evening and wilt by daybreak. The fruit is oblong and has unique appearance because of its bright pink to red, green tipped overlapping scales rind. The edible portion is white or red, with hundreds of tiny black seeds. Its taste is sweet and juicy similar to that of pear, kiwi and watermelon. Dragon fruit is now grown commercially in Asia in places like Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 

    • Hylocereus it has red skin and white flesh.
    • Hylocereus polyrhizus it has red skin and red flesh.
    • Selinecereus megalanthus it has yellow skin and white flesh.
    Health Benefits:
    • Dragon fruit help to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes.
    • Dragon fruit prevent formation of cancer causing free radicals.
    • Dragon fruit helps moisturize and smoothen skin and decrease bad cholesterol level.
    • Dragon fruit helps improve appetite.
    • Dragon fruit can enhance the body metabolism because of its protein content.
    • Dragon fruit helps improve digestion and reduce fat.
    • Dragon fruit helps maintain the health of the eyes.
    • Dragon fruit helps strengthen the bones and teeth.
    • Dragon fruit helps in tissue development.
    • Dragon fruit promotes healing of cuts and bruise.
    • Dragon fruit helps improve memory.
    Hylocereus variety 
    Selinecereus megalanthus variety 
    Hylocereus polyrhizus variety 
    Nutritional Value: per 100 g
    • Carotene: 0.012 g.
    • Vitamin C: 9.0 mg.
    • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) traces
    • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 0.045 mg.
    • Niacin (Vitamin B3): 0.430 mg.
    • Calcium: 6 -10 mg
    • Iron: 0.3 - 0.7 mg
    • Phosphorus: 16 - 36 mg.
    • Carbohydrates: 9-14 g
    • Protein: 0.15 - 0.5 g
    • Fiber: 0.3 - 0.9 g
    • Water: 80-90g
    • Fat: 0.1 - 0.6 g
    • Calories: 35 - 50
    Common names in different countries:
    • English names: Night Blooming Cereus, Strawberry Pear, Belle of the Night, Conderella plant, Mood Flower.
    • France: Cierce-Lezard, Poire de Cahrdon
    • Germany: Distelbirm, Echte Stachnelbirn, Distelbirm, Drachenfrucht
    • Hawaii: Pa-nani-oka, Pa-ni-ni, Kapunahou
    • Portugal: Catobarse, Cardo-Ananaz
    • Colombia, Mexico Venezuela: Flor de Caliz
    • Puerto Rico: Pitajaya
    • Mexico: Junco, Pitahaya Orejona, Reina de la Noche, Tasajo
    • Sweden: Skogkaktus, Rud Pitahaya
    • Vietnam: Thanh long
    • China: Long Gou, For Lung Kor
    Uses: Dragon fruits serve as preserves and spreads such as jam, puree and cordial; salad; sherbets and sorbets; fruit pizza; and beverages


    February 22, 2011

    [Troponin T, B type Natriuretic Peptide, and Isoenzim CK-MB] Those "Three" and AMI

    Well, I just wanna share a bit of the background of my thesis. It's about how significant the correlation of this laboratory test with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Some of the researchs that inspired me were taken from the new England journal of medicine. It's about Cardiac Troponin and the other is about B-type natriuretic peptide. So that, I pointed my research with isoenzim CK-MB laboratory test. 


    Okay, this the first journal, about Cardiac Troponin T (well, I just write the review)


    Troponin T Levels in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes, with or without Renal Dysfunction


    Among patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes, cardiac troponin T levels have prognostic value. However, there is concern that renal dysfunction may impair the prognostic value, because cardiac troponin T may be cleared by the kidney.


    We analyzed the outcomes in 7033 patients enrolled in the Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries IV trial who had complete base-line data on troponin T levels and creatinine clearance rates. The troponin T level was considered abnormal if it was 0.1 ng per milliliter or higher, and creatinine clearance was assessed in quartiles. The primary end point was a composite of death or myocardial infarction within 30 days.


    Death or myocardial infarction occurred in 581 patients. Among patients with a creatinine clearance above the 25th percentile value of 58.4 ml per minute, an abnormally elevated troponin T level was predictive of an increased risk of myocardial infarction or death (7 percent vs. 5 percent; adjusted odds ratio, 1.7; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 2.2; P<0.001). Among patients with a creatinine clearance in the lowest quartile, an elevated troponin T level was similarly predictive of increased risk (20 percent vs. 9 percent; adjusted odds ratio, 2.5; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.8 to 3.3; P<0.001). When the creatinine clearance rate was considered as a continuous variable and age, sex, ST-segment depression, heart failure, previous revascularization, diabetes mellitus, and other confounders had been accounted for, elevation of the troponin T level was independently predictive of risk across the entire spectrum of renal function.


    Cardiac troponin T levels predict short-term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndromes regardless of their level of creatinine clearance. 

    source (click to see further)


    And then, this is the second journal.

    The Prognostic Value of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes



    Brain (B-type) natriuretic peptide is a neurohormone synthesized predominantly in ventricular myocardium. Although the circulating level of this neurohormone has been shown to provide independent prognostic information in patients with transmural myocardial infarction, few data are available for patients with acute coronary syndromes in the absence of ST-segment elevation.


    We measured B-type natriuretic peptide in plasma specimens obtained a mean (±SD) of 40±20 hours after the onset of ischemic symptoms in 2525 patients from the Orbofiban in Patients with Unstable Coronary Syndromes–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 16 study.


    The base-line level of B-type natriuretic peptide was correlated with the risk of death, heart failure, and myocardial infarction at 30 days and 10 months. The unadjusted rate of death increased in a stepwise fashion among patients in increasing quartiles of base-line B-type natriuretic peptide levels (P<0.001). This association remained significant in subgroups of patients who had myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (P=0.02), patients who had myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation (P<0.001), and patients who had unstable angina (P<0.001). After adjustment for independent predictors of the long-term risk of death, the odds ratios for death at 10 months in the second, third, and fourth quartiles of B-type natriuretic peptide were 3.8 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 13.3), 4.0 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.2 to 13.7), and 5.8 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.7 to 19.7). The level of B-type natriuretic peptide was also associated with the risk of new or recurrent myocardial infarction (P=0.01) and new or worsening heart failure (P<0.001) at 10 months.


    A single measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide, obtained in the first few days after the onset of ischemic symptoms, provides predictive information for use in risk stratification across the spectrum of acute coronary syndromes. Cardiac neurohormonal activation may be a unifying feature among patients at high risk for death after acute coronary syndromes. 

    source (click to see further)


    Then finally, if you wanna see my thesis about isoenzim CK-MB click this.
     Well, it would be nice if we can have a discussion, so that comment to this post if you interested.

    February 21, 2011

    Cenat-cenut by SM#SH atau OVJ (ngakak dueh XD)

    Ngakak deh nntn video klip ini... XD... "you know me so well" jadi "bibirmu dower" wkwkwk..
    Personilnya antara lain: Sule, Andre Taulani, Aziz Gagap, Parto, Nunung, Opie Kumis, Adul, Ular, dan Buaya (reptil beneran lho itu)
    Video klip ini adalah parodi dari lagunya SM*SH (yang ngebooming itu lah)
    Sebenernya sih liriknya agak garing... tp kocak deh penampilannya...huakakakaka...

    Hhahha... enjoy aja deh....


    Abstract [my thesis] - Acute Myocardial Infarction

    This is a result of my research. I pointed the problem in the characteristic of patients. And I classified the patient group based on electrocardiography interpretation that is NSTEMI with non-Q pathologies, NSTEMI with Q pathologies, STEMI with non-Q pathologies, and STEMI with Q pathologies. Then, it was aimed to show the difference in some variables.

    Well, then the result in Indonesian version

    Skripsi Gw (Akhirnya Diposting)

    "This is my checkpoint, this thesis, all the struggle to pass and get my bachelor degree."
    Nah, akhirnya, sudah lama banget gw pengen ngeposting soal skripsi gw ini. Dan sisa-sisa serta puing-puing dari skripsi ini yang sudah diabadikan. Hhe...
    -Sebuah Harga Diri- wkwkwk

    Di Meja Perjuangan

    Sebelum Di jilid (enam rangkap) *seharian ngeprint-nya* suweer...
    Halaman Pengesahan - jadi semua kesusahan dan kerepotan itu cuma buat ini??!


    Dan kemudian tempat perjuangan yang lain (tempat nemuin dosen pembimbing) 
    dan biasanya berakhir dengan kondisi "bete-nunggu-berjam-jam-dan-konsul-cuma-lima-menit"
    Tempat mangkal pas nungguin pembimbing I

    Awal nunggu (Jam 5) kondisi di luar RS masih terang
    Hhehe... iya fokusnya salah, (katrok emang) sinar autofokusnya ketutupan tangan gw..

    Masih nunggu (jam 7) kondisi luar RS sudah gelap... dan baru ketemu sekitar jam setengah 8, lumayan cepet tuh... T T ...

    Di Jalan menuju Bagian Penyakit Dalam (nemuin Pembimbing II) ini RS umum, beda dengan yang pertama di atas
    Instalasi non-bedah (ya penyakit dalam maksudnya) ruangan dosen sudah tepat ada di atas, tetapi dosennya nanti dulu, belum tentu ada...

    Iseng-iseng selagi nunggu, nah di balik gagang pintu tuh ada kursi, biasanya gw bkl duduk di situ dari jam 10 sampe jam 12
    Masih iseng, sebenernya gw udah tinggal ngasih skripsi pas foto ini udah bukan konsul lagi, ini di depan ruangan dosennya
    Ruangan si dosen, (sebenernya penting gak sih ya, gw foto kayaginian) -_-"
    Okeh, dan berikut ini reruntuhan yang sudah jadi sejarah... X)
    Sepatu dan Motor, bukan tempat nampung pasir, anggep aja ini masih dalam suasana perang dunia ke-2.. XD
    Lantainya kaya kamar pecah, tapi kasur mulus... (ketika tidur mwnguasai segalanya)
    Iya, itu handuk sama tanggo dan itu dompet... dan ini gak gw foto sambil telanjang ya, hhahaha... eh, gw serius...
    Gw baru sadar kalo gw keabisan kolor ketika moto ini... XD
    Skripsi kakak tingkat, pas masih galau-galaunya nulis bab IV dan bab V
    Ruang tengah yang hampir mirip TPA (tempat pembuangan akhir)
    Eh, ada karcis parkir (yang ijo kecil) iya kebawa... XD

    Dan ini adalah kondisi terparah semenjak kejadian Hiroshima dan Nagasaki... XD

    Film Hollywood ditarik *Hadeeh*

    Guys, sudah pada sadar kan ya? dengan pajak royalti film yang dinaekin harganya khususnya untuk film hollywood, sudah mulai ditarik sejak hari kamis kemaren tanggal 17 Februari, nih lebih jelasnya.

    Jakarta - Keputusan Hollywood melalui Motion Pictures Association (MPA) untuk stop  mengedarkan produksi film bukan dikarenakan beban pajak yang semakin besar. Lebih dari itu, Hollywood ingin memegang prinsip.Seperti yang sudah dipaparkan sebelumnya, Hollywood akan mengeluarkan kocek jebih jika pajak bea masuk atas hak distribusi film impor diberlakukan. Namun kocek bukan masalah bagi mereka.

    "Bukan masalah berapa besaran pajak mereka, bukan karena uang. Lebih dari itu mereka memegang prinsip di belahan dunia lain. Tidak ada di dunia manapun pajak bea masuk atas hak distribusi film impor, cuma di Indonesia. Yang ada pajak barang yang masuk. Itu lah karenanya mereka berprinsip kebijakan itu tidak lazim sama sekali," kata Juru Bicara 21 Cineplex Noorca Massardi saat berbincang dengan detikhot via ponselnya, Jumat (18/2/2011) malam.

    Sebelum kebijakan itu disahkan, pihak MPA sudah melakukan negosiasi dengan Dirjen Bea dan Cukai. Tapi usulan mereka, tegas Noorca, tidak didegarkan. Alhasil kebijakan itu pun berjalan.

    "Dan akibatnya mereka tidak ingin mengedarkan. Itu konsekuensinya," kata Noorca.
    Noorca tidak tahu jelas alasan Dirjen Bea dan Cukai menerapkan kebijakan tersebut. Hanya saja kebijakan tersebut akan merugikan, bukan menguntungkan.
    "Kalau misalnya, pemerintah dalam hal ini Dirjen Bea dan Cukai ingin menaikan pendapatan dari bioskop. Sebutlah ingin menaikan 1000 persen keuntungan pemerintah. Pihak mereka (Hollywood) tidak akan menolak dan tidak bisa menolak. Mereka tidak akan dirugikan. Karena kenaikan 1000 persen (pemasukan pajak) dibebankan ke tiket penjualan setiap tontonan. Itu bisa mencapai sampai Rp 1 juta," papar Noorca. (ebi/ebi) 


    Beberapa cerita lawaknya...

    Mimpi Buruk Siang Bolong Bioskop Indonesia

    Ceritanya, sejak film import dikenakan pajak royalti yang baru oleh pemerintah, perlahan-lahan film asing menghilang dari bioskop.” 

    Alkisah, di masa depan yang tak terlalu jauh, dua sahabat sedang ngopi-ngopi di sebuah kafe. Hari Jumat sudah berlalu, akhir pekan tiba, dan mereka tak ada rencana malam itu. Mas Eksmud berpikir untuk mengajak Mbak Karir ke bioskop saja, terlalu pagi untuk clubbing. Ia melontarkan idenya.
    “Rir, gimana kalau kita nonton aja.”
    Mbak Karir tersenyum, akhirnya diajak nonton juga.
    “Ih, tumben ngajak aku nonton, Mud. Emang kamu mau nontonnya apa?”
    Ah, sepertinya ajakan ini tepat. Mas Eksmud sebetulnya belum tahu ada film apa di bioskop, jadi ia berpikir akan menurut saja akan pilihan si mbak. Mereka pun mulai membahas.
    “Terserah kamu aja Rir, pokoknya yang kamu suka.”“Bener yaaa, coba aku cek jadwal bioskop hari ini.”
    Mbak Karir langsung membuka situs informasi bioskop lewat smartphone nya. Iya dong, sekarang saja semua begitu, apalagi ini kan ceritanya di masa depan. Sekejap pun muncul di layar, daftar film yang diputar di bioskop mal kelas menengah atas di mana kafe itu berada.
    “Kita nonton yang sorean kan, Mud? Aku males kalau yang kemaleman”.“Boleh, terserah kamu aja.”“Ini yang jam 7-an ya… Cinta Putri 6, Permaisuri Yang Tertukar 5, Spider-Gadis 2, sama Godaan Alien Sexy.”

    Selamat datang di masa depan. Ceritanya, sejak film import dikenakan pajak royalti yang baru oleh pemerintah, perlahan-lahan film asing berkurang dari layar bioskop sampai akhirnya nyaris tak ada. Dan akhirnya, bioskop mulai menayangkan sinetron, ya, produksi sinetron yang dipaksakan untuk bioskop. Absurd ya? Biarin aja, ini kan khayalan saya. 

    Kembali ke kafe, Mas Eksmud berpikir sejenak akan pilihannya.
    Godaan Alien Sexy. Ah iya. Kedengarannya menjanjikan, old school gitu.

    “Hmm… Aku nggak ngikutin Cinta Putri. Permaisuri udah nonton. Spider-Gadis ini yang mana sih ya, Rir?”
    “Itu, Mud, yang main si Shinohara. Ceritanya superhero gitu deh.”
    “Wah, cakep tuh.”
    “Dasar, begitu cewek berbaju ketat, aja, mau kamunya. Nggak mood ah.”.
    “Ya mood-nya apa dong, ya aku ngikut aja Rir.”.
    “Lagi pengen nonton film yang agak berat gitu.”.

    Film yang “agak berat”. Sangar.

    “Weits, keren bener nih, pengen nonton yang berat-berat.”
    “Sekali-sekali, Mud. Buat variasi, kan bosen juga nonton yang hiburan cetek.”
    “Hahaha setuju, sip lah Rir. Sekali-sekali nonton yang agak ‘nyeni’ gitu. Yuk.”
    “Asiiik… Kita ke bioskop sekarang ya, filmnya 1 jam lagi.”

    Keduanya langsung beranjak dan bersiap pergi ke bioskop. Mas Eksmud seperti berpikir sejenak.

    “Dulu, film kita kadang masih ada ya yang kualitasnya diakui dunia. Sekarang nggak ada lagi yang kayak dulu ya, Rir.”
    “Ya dulu aja langka, sekarang masih ada film serius begini aja udah sukur.”

    Iya, Mas Eksmud berpikir. Dulu pun kalau ada film yang bisa menembus dan dapat penghargaan di luar negeri itu pun karena produsernya sendiri yang niat membiayai sendiri. Sekarang mungkin mereka sudah kapok.

    “Apa tadi, judulnya? Aku lupa.”
    “Godaan Alien Sexy.”
    “Ah iya. Kedengarannya menjanjikan, old school gitu.”

    Tampaknya di masa depan dunia khayalan ini sudah semakin absurd dan terbolak-balik.  Ya, ini memang cuma mimpi buruk yang lebay. Jadi terpikir setelah melihat pembahasan yang baru berkembang tentang pajak royalti akan film import dan gosip kemungkinan produsen film AS memboikot eksport ke Indonesia. Yah, jadi sekedar berkhayal, seperti apa bioskop kita andai produksi film nasional akhirnya koma dan film import tidak ada.

    Nih dari BBM-an dapet juga lawakannya... XD

    Nih film2 indo yg bakal kluar pasca pemboikotan film barat :

    - rintihan pocong ngesot
    - derita si tuyul mohawk
    - hantu susu kendor perawan
    - kuntilanak mencari bakat
    - ada apa dengan pocong
    - tragedi kancut berdarah
    - misteri hantu sandal jepit swallow
    - setan maho
    - setan ayam pake saos
    - pocong cacat pergi haji
    - arwah maho mupeng
    - hantu datang bulan,mencari pembalut
    - kungfu pocong
    - jenglot sakit gigi
    - hantu keselek duren
    - hantu jeruk mandarin
    - hantu jeruk nipis
    - genderuwo ruang disko
    - noda darah kutang berenda
    - hantu tanpa kaki mencari sendal
    - suster ngesot lari
    - pocong kawin lari
    - beranak dalam toples kerupuk
    - dendam penjual gorengan
    - bunting diperkosa pocong
    - kuntilanak adopsi anak
    - misteri hantu kutang hitam
    - setan sandal jepit
    - dendam tuyul kesetrum
    - misteri wanita berjenggot
    - ketika tuyul bertasbih
    - pocong hamil sebelum nikah
    - tuyul botak menculik miyabi
    - tali kolor pocong
    - villa berlendir
    - beranak dari dubur
    - hantu cenat-cenut
