Red Lover

January 17, 2011

Kenangan Terindah (Guitar Cover)

Untuk guitar cover yang ini lebih banyak salah-salahnya hhe... :D
Tapi pas interlude gk ada yg salah... hha... sipplah...

"Kenangan Terindah by Samsons"

Aku yang lemah tanpamu
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang tlah hilang darimu
Yang mampu menyanjungku

Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itu pun
Aku mampu tuk mengenangmu

Kutemukan hidupku
Kau lah cinta sejati


Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang tlah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah


back to reff

What A "Hard Day"


Really another hard day,  buset, capek jiwa dan raga jg hari ini. Yaa, nasib salah satu mahasiswa kloter terakhir. Nyari tanda tangan dan daftar di hari yang sama.
Ya kaya biasanya, lagi2 kebangun jam setengah 9 bangun dan ngeliatin donlodan part film "the island" td malem, okeh setelah itu ngapain, (mikir). Dan gw harus daftar ujian sidang hari ini... (histeris). 

Yah, emang dasarnya gw, histeris ya histeris aja, habis itu lanjut dulu donlod part yang lain, ngidupin tipi (yg sbnrnya bkn punya gw) trs nongkrong skitar 30 menit, habis itu ngikutin panggilan alam (nongkrong lagi 30 menit, kali ini di WC), mandi dengan santainya. 

Hokeh, (mikir lagi) skrg k kampus (sktr jam 10) ktmu dgn golongan2 yang trmasuk kloter minggu pertama, dan gw sudah mulai terbiasa dengan phobia pertanyaan "kapan sidang???" harrgh... kadang2 jg muncul pertanyaan, "nape mata lu bintitian?wah ngintipin orang sih..." sial... yg pasti benjolan dimata kanan gw ini muncul pertama di kelopak atas, dan sekarang ada di kelopak yang bawah (alasan gw plg kampung duluan, buat meriksain ini jg) ...T T...

Walaupun gk sendiri sbg mahasiswa kloter terakhir, dan cemas jg belum melanda. Belum, sampai mba2 di potokopian (mau motokopi syarat2 daftar sidang) ngmg (dgn bhs plmbg) "nah, baru nak daftar??"... Okeh, kecemasan saya terbangkitkan...

Yang bkin ribet adalah khs semester 1 gw di lampung... Jhiah, dan kayanya nyokap sm adek gw jd ikutan repot, dari nyari2 wartel tipe-A (buat ngirim faks) kira2 udh wartel yg gw datengin dan semuanya udh gk usaha lg (semuanya dalam radius 3 km dari kos, harrgh...) okeh, dan akhirnya gw minta discan dn dkirim email aja sm adek gw dilampung...T T...

Belum slesai itu, okeh, lanjut nyari tnda tgn dosen, (smbl ngguin email). Nyampe kampus, si dosen balik ke RS lg...T T..., okeh minta tnd tgn dosen pmbimbing yg laennya dulu, di RS lain (brhbung brg tmn2 sebimbingan jg). Disitu gw udh mikir, "kyny hari ini udh gk bkl bisa lebih repot lagi" dan gw salah, lembar persetujuan yg hrs ditndatgnin ketinggalan... wokkeeh, balik....zzzz...T T...

Hhh, dpt satu, skrg nggu dikampus lg, (brhubung dosen yg td gk ketmu mau nguji) sambil nyoba ngeringin celana yg kena ujan...T T... gw udh kaya setrikaan aja disana, dgn "kapan sidang" dan "nape bintitan mata lo"... sblm jam 3 harus daftar... okeh, si dosen datang tepat sblm menguji, dan gw minta tnd tgnnya...setelah itu... "kamu ko ngadep saya selalu langsung kygni y, kamu ini keliatannya kurang berusaha keras ya"....T T....

Well done, take the bright side, just be 'simply thought" person.

January 16, 2011

Hey Gadis (Guitar Cover)


Okeh, guitar cover lagi, hhe... nyelesaiin yg samsons dulu kyny...
Sbnrnya pas interludenya gw ada nada yg salah -_-"
Tapi ya sudahlah, Cekidot aja gan.... 

"Hey Gadis by Samsons"

*hey gadis 
tinggalkan kekasihmu
karena aku jauh lebih baik darinya
hey gadis 
lupakan kekasihmu
karena aku lebih layak untuk memelukmu

hey gadis 
tunjuklah diriku
oh karena aku pujangga terhebat untukmu
hey gadis 
pilihlah diriku
oh karena aku memang sempurna untuk dirimu


**andaikan saja kau tahu
aku mencintaimu menyayangimu 
lebih dari siapapun
meskipun engkau miliknya
aku akan bertahan 
tak akan menyerah
tuk dapatkan hatimu


back to *
back to **
hey gadis
hey gadis

aku tak pernah peduli kau t'lah dimiliki
aku tak pernah mengerti kau memilih dia
lepaskan saja dia dan sambutlah aku
kan kuberikan semua yang kau inginkan

aku tak pernah peduli dan menyayangimu
aku tak pernah mengerti apa yang kau cari
datanglah saja padaku dan peluklah aku
kan kuberikan semua yang kau inginkan

tak'kan pernah menyerah tetap mencintaimu
aku tetap bertahan untuk dapatkan hatimu
tak'kan pernah menyerah tetap mencintaimu
aku tetap bertahan untuk dapatkan hatimu



January 11, 2011

Conjunctivitis and Its Best Home Remedies

Conjunctivitis, otherwise known as pink eye, can either be caused by an infection - where there will be a greenish discharge or crusting of the eyelids in the morning, or by an allergy - most usually hay fever when itching is a prominent symptom, or by an irritant such as chillies.

  • Infective Conjunctivitis

Standard treatment for infective conjunctivitis is an antibiotic cream or eye-drops, but many cases will clear with simple hygienic measures.
Warm water compresses: Dip a flannel in warm water and apply it to the eye three or four times a day for ten minutes. In addition, a cotton-wool bud dipped in a bowl of warm water with a couple of drops of baby shampoo can be used to clear away the crusts from the eyelids.

Apple juice: Apple juice is recommended for blepharitis-infection of the eyelids-which may be asso­ciated with conjunctivitis or come on its own accord. Peel off a two inch slice of apple, bend in half with the skin sides together till the juice appears, then press on the eye lids gently. The redness goes and so does the pus - not completely but it is kept in check if done several times a day. This is one of my best home remedies for conjunctivitis.

Urine: Urine may seem an unlikely home remedy for conjunctivitis, but urine eye-drops are a particu­larly appropriate way of making use of its anti-infective properties.
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis

The best treatment is undoubtedly the anti-­allergic compounds Opticrom or Predsol, but warm water compresses as described for infective con­junctivitis can help relieve the symptoms of grittiness and itchiness.
  • Irritative Conjunctivitis

Inadvertently rubbing the eye after having han­dled a chilli can cause intense pain and copious tears. Dr Richard Roberts, a genetic specialist in Texas and self-confessed chilli addict, describes the following interesting remedy: 'I once experi­enced the symptoms when in the company of several Mexican friends who urged me to put hair in the affected eye immediately. Though incredulous I grabbed for my wife's hair-his own was too short for the purpose - and the pain and tears cleared immediately. I cannot explain this effect.


January 6, 2011

Kesiangan, Gak Kebangun Sholat Shubuh (lagi dan lagi)

Pagi hari lagi, jam 6 lagi, jam 7, bahkan jam 8. Ketika gw bilang ini, bakal ada pertanyaan, "terus sholat subuh lo gimana?" dan gw bilang "yaa, gk kebangun." Jujur untuk orang kaya gw, yg tidurnya mirip kebo, begitu susahnya membiasakan bangun pada pukul 4.30 atau 5.00. 
Yang pasti alarm itu sudah ada dua dan gw setel ke volume terkeras, tapi ya mau dibilang apa? (mungkin kalo ada tsunami gw juga gak bakal kebangun)

60 tahun di neraka, ya, dosa meninggalkan sholat subuh sama dengan itu. Jadi kalo mau diitung, sudah pasti hitungannya nanti adalah "berapa abad". Astagfirullahaladzim...
Namun Islam tidaklah begitu terpaku, Islam adalah agama yang selalu memberikan kelapangan untuk kita beribadah. At least itulah yang baru gw pahami, dari banyaknya pemahaman agama yang harus gw perdalam lagi. Sebagai seorang muslim, mungkin bahkan gw memang masih cuma sebagai muslim. Tetap berjuang menjadi seorang mukmin, dan selama itu gw akan selalu bertekad untuk memahaminya sedalam mungkin walaupun yang gw ketahui masihlah sedangkal ini.

~Islam is Beautiful~

Sesungguhnya aku adalah seorang pemuda yang alhamdulillah telah diberi taufik oleh Allah Ta’ala untuk menjalankan shalat lima waktu, kecuali shalat Shubuh dalam beberapa waktu. Ketika shuhuh, aku sering sekali tertidur. Aku baru terbangun setelah terbita matahari. Bolehkah aku mengerjakan shalat shubuh tersebut di waktu aku bangun tidur. Lalu bagaimana jika seseorang luput dari suatu shalat, misalnya shalat ‘Ashar, apakah ia mengqodho’nya di hari berikutnya ataukah ia kerjakan di waktu Maghrib?

Manusia, Nilai, Moral, dan Hukum

Tugas Mata Kuliah Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar


A.     Hakikat Nilai dan Moral dalam Kehidupan Manusia
            Hakikat adalah sesuatu yang harus ada pada sesuatu yang jikalau sesuatu itu tidak ada maka sesuatu itupun tidak wujud. Penilaian menyangkut keindahan disebut estetika. Penilaian menyangkut baik buruk disebutetis/moral. Ciri-ciri nilai moral:
  • Berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab
  • Berkaitan dengan hati nurani
  • Mewajibkan
  • Bersifat formal

B.      Hubungan Manusia dengan Moral
Moral hampir sama dengan etika. Etika adalah ilmu tentang apa yang biasa dilakukan atau ilmu tentang adat kebiasaan. Beberapa unsure dari kaidah moral yaitu:
  • Hati nurani
  • Kebebasan dan tanggung jawab
  • Nilai dan norma moral

C.      Hubungan Manusia dengan Hukum
Karakteristik dari hokum:
  • Adanya unsur perintah atau larangan
  • Perintah atau larangan tersebut harus dipatuhi oleh setiap orang
Beberapa sumber hukum formal yaitu:
  • Undang-undang
  • Kebiasaan
  • Keputusan-keputusan hakim
  • Trakat
  • Pendapat sarjana hukum
Hokum menurut beberapa sudut pandang, yaitu:
a.      Menurut sumbernya
  • Hukum undang-undang
  • Hukum kebiasaan
  • Hukum traktat
  • Hukum jurisprudensi
b.      Menurut bentuknya
  • Hukum tertulis
  • Hukum tak tertulis
c.       Menurut tempat berlakunya
  • Hukum nasiona
  • Hukum internasional
  • Hukum asing
d.      Menuruut waktu berlakunya
  • Ius Constitutum (hukum positif)
  • Ius Constituendum
  • Hukum Asasi (hukum alam)
e.      Menurut sifatnya
  • Hukum yang memaksa
  • Hukum yang mengatur (pelengkap)

Di Indonesia, hukum dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu:
  • Hukum Publik (hukum umum) à hukum tata Negara, hukum pidana, hukum acara pidana dan hukum internasional
  • Hukum sipil (hukum privat) à hukum perdata, hukum acara perdata dan hukum dagang
D.     Hubungan Hukum dengan Moral
            Kualitas hukum sebagian besar ditentukan oleh mutu moralnya. Sebaliknya moral pun membutuhkan hukum. Hukum bisa meningkatkan dampak sosial dari moralitas. Perbedaan hokum dan moral:
  • Hukum dalam bentuk tulisah dan dijabarkan sanksinya bagi pelanggar hokum (lebih objektif). Moral tidak dalam tulisan (lebih subjektif)
  • Hukum membatasi tignkah laku yang bersifat lahiriah, sedangkan moral mencakup perilaku lahirriah dan batiniah.
  • Sangsi hukum dapat dipaksakan, sedangkan sangsi moral tidak dapat dipaksakan.
  • Hukum didasarkan atas kehendak masyarakat/Negara. Moral didasarkan pada norma-norma moral yang melebihi dari individu dan masyarakat.

January 5, 2011

13 Ways Aloe Vera Can Help You

 Where does Aloe come from
Aloe vera gel comes from the plant by cutting open the leaves and collecting the ooze. The thick and clear ooze is known as a mucilage.
What is Aloe made of
This mucilage is 99.5% water. The other 0.5% is a combination of mucopolysaccharides, choline and choline salicylate.
Known for centuries as the "medical plant" or "the potted physician", this cactus-like plant with green dagger-shaped leaves filled with a clear, viscous gel was brought from Africa to North America in the sixteenth century. But long before, aloe, whose name means "shining bitter substance," was widely regarded as a master healing plant. The ancient Egyptians referred to aloe as the "plant of immortality" and included it among the funerary gifts buried with the pharaohs. In recent decades, medical research has confirmed and extended many of the health claims for the shining bitter substance (used topically or consumed as a liquid) that is the heart of aloe.
Here is a brief review of its merits.
1. Helps Heal Wounds
The bulk of the aloe leaf is filled with gel, 96% water with the other 4% containing 75 known substances. Applied to wounds, aloe gel is a mild anesthetic, relieving itching, swelling, and pain: it also is antibacterial and antifungal, increases blood flow to wounded areas, and stimulates fibroblasts, the skin cells responsible for wound healing. An animal-based study in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that both oral and topical aloe preparations speed wound healing. Animals were given either aloe (100mg/kg body weight) in their drinking water for two months or 25% aloe vera cream applied directly to wounds for six days. Aloe had positive effects in both cases. The size of wounds decreased 62% in the animals taking oral aloe compared to a 51% in the control group. Topical aloe produced a 51% decrease in wound size compared to a 33% in the control group.
2. Supports Surgical Recovery
Aloe decreases surgical recovery time, according to a report in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology. Eighteen acne patients underwent facial dermabrasion surgery, in which lesions are scraped away. Dressings were applied to their faces, with half of each person's face receiving the standard dressing coated with surgical gel, and the other half with aloe added to this dressing. The half of the face treated with aloe healed approximately 72 hours faster than the other side. Dermatologist James Fulton, M.D., of Newport Beach, California, principal author of the report, uses topical aloe in his practice to speed wound healing. "Any wound we treat, whether it's suturing a cut or removing a skin cancer, heals better with aloe vera on it," he states.
3. Soothes Burns
In a study in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 27 patients with moderate burn wounds were treated with a gauze coated in either aloe gel or Vaseline™ (petroleum jelly). The burns healed more quickly in the aloe group, with an average healing time of 12 days compared to 18 days for the group using Vaseline.
4. Minimizes Frostbite Damage
A study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine established that aloe works for frostbite as well. Researchers gave standard treatments for frostbite (antibiotics, ibuprofen, and re-warming) to 154 patients with mild to severe frostbite. Of patients who additionally received aloe vera cream, 67.9% healed without any tissue loss (amputation) compared to 32.7% in the control group. Researchers concluded that aloe prevented a decrease of blood flow to the frozen tissues, a common cause of tissue loss in frostbite.
5. Screens Out Radiation
Aloe protects against skin damage from X rays, according to researchers at Hoshi University in Japan publishing in the journal Yakugaku Zasshi. They found that aloe was an effective antioxidant, mopping up the free radicals caused by radiation, and that it protected two of the body's healing substances, superoxide dismutase (an antioxidant enzyme) and glutathione (an amino acid which stimulates the immune system).
6. Heals Psoriasis Lesions
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Tropical Medicine and International Health, 60 patients with chronic psoriasis were given a 0.5% aloe vera extract in a mineral oil creme. The ointment was applied three times daily for five consecutive days (15 applications total per week) for four weeks. When patients were checked after eight months, far more psoriasis skin lesions had healed in the aloe group (82.8%) than in the placebo group (7.7%). Further, 83.3% of the aloe group were considered cured of their psoriasis compared to only 6.6% of the placebo group.
7. Eases Intestinal Problems
Aloe vera juice can be effective for treating inflammatory bowel disease, according to a study in the Journal of Alternative Medicine. Ten patients were given two ounces of aloe juice, three times daily, for seven days. After one week, all patients were cured of diarrhea, four had improved bowel regularity, and three reported increased energy. Researchers concluded that aloe was able to rebalance the intestines by "regulating gastrointestinal pH while improving gastrointestinal motility, increasing stool specific gravity, and reducing populations of certain fecal microorganisms, including yeast." Other studies have shown that aloe vera juice helps to detoxify the bowel, neutralize stomach acidity, and relieve constipation and gastric ulcers.
8. Reduces Blood Sugar in Diabetes
Aloe reduced the blood sugar levels in diabetics, as reported in Hormone Research. Five patients with adult (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes were given 1/2 teaspoon of aloe extract daily for up to 14 weeks. Blood sugar levels were reduced in all patients by an average of 45%, with no change in their total weight.
9. Reduces Arthritic Swelling
Aloe can help prevent arthritis and reduce the inflammation in joints already affected by arthritis, according to the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. Aloe can also inhibit the autoimmune reaction associated with certain forms of arthritis, in which the body attacks its own tissues. Animals were injected with a bacterium to cause arthritic symptoms, namely inflammation and swelling. To determine if it could prevent arthritis, aloe (150mg/kg body weight) was injected under the skin daily for 13 days. Physical measurements were taken daily to determine the amount of swelling and inflammation. Several compounds from aloe showed antiarthritic activity, according to the researchers. One organic acid in aloe reduced inflammation by 79.7% and suppressed the autoimmune response by 42.4%. Another aloe compound (anthraquinone) reduced inflammation by 67.3% but had no effect on the autoimmune response.
10. Curtailing HIV Infection
An extract of mannose, one of the sugars in aloe, can inhibit HIV-1 (the virus associated with AIDS). In a 1991 study in Molecular Biotherapy, HIV-1 cells were treated in vitro (outside the body) with a mannose extract. Aloe slowed virus reproduction by as much as 30%, reduced viral load (total amount of the virus), suppressed the spread of the virus from infected cells, and increased the viability (chance of survival) of infected cells.
11. Nutritional Support for HIV Patients
Aloe vera juice proved to be an effective part of a nutritional support program for HIV+ patients according to the Journal of Advancement in Medicine. For four months, 29 patients were given 100% pure aloe vera juice (five ounces, four times daily) along with an essential fatty acid supplement and another supplement containing vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Patients were told to continue with their normal diet and not to take other supplements. After 90 days, all of the patients had fewer occurrences of opportunistic infections, thrush, fatigue, and diarrhea, as well as increased white blood cell counts (meaning their immune systems were responding positively). Their assessment of overall quality of health also improved. In 25% of the patients, aloe apparently knocked out the virus's ability to reproduce. Researchers found that aloe (the mannose extract and perhaps other compounds) stimulates the body's immune system, particularly T4 helper cells, white blood cells that activate the immune response to infection.
12. Stimulates Immune Response Against Cancer
Aloe may help prolong survival time and stimulate the immune system of cancer patients, according to recent research. In a 1994 study in the Japanese medical journal Yakhak Hoeji, mice with cancerous tumors were given aloe orally for 14 days. While the aloe did not suppress tumor growth, the average life span of the mice was prolonged by 22% for those given 50mg aloe/kg body weight and by 32% for those given 100mg/kg daily. A simultaneous experiment on human cancer cells (outside the body) found that high doses of aloe significantly suppressed the growth of these cancer cells. Researchers writing in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy found that a compound (lectin) from aloe, when injected directly into tumors, activated the immune system to attack the cancer. Killer T cells, white blood cells that bind to invading cells and destroy them, began to attack the tumor cells injected with lectin. Aloe turns on the immune system by activating macrophages (white blood cells which "swallow" antigens), causing the release of immune-activating (and anticancer) substances such as interferons, interleukines, and tumor necrosis factor. In addition, aloe promotes the growth of normal (non-cancerous) cells, researchers said.
13. Benefits Lung Cancer
Aloe's protective effect was confirmed in a study of 673 lung cancer patients in Okinawa, Japan, published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. This survey looked at the connection between smoking, comparative amounts of 17 plant foods in the diet, and the occurrence of lung cancer over a five-year period. Aloe was the only one of the plant foods that was protective against cancer. "The results of plant epidemiology suggests that aloe prevents human pulmonary carcinogenesis [lung cancer]," stated the researchers. Further, aloe is "widely preventive or suppressive against various human cancers."


January 4, 2011

Benefit Of Soursop To Treating Cancer

Cancer can be treated by eating herbs or fruits. From many of these herbs, soursop has advantages over other fruit.
Soursop is known to prevent and also effective for treating some types of cancer. “For the soursop itself has been studied to treat colon cancer (colon), lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer (breast),” said Dr. Hardhi Pranata, SpS, as Chairman of the Association of Physicians Medical Herbs Indonesia.
Part soursop useful for cancer drugs are the stem, leaf, and also fruit or in juice form. The fruit can be eaten straight, made juice, or leaves are boiled and then the decoction drunk.
“Either way soursop drinks fruit juice or by boiling 9 soursop leaves and drinks the cooking water and then monitored the situation. Usually appetite will increase and the growth ofcancer cells is inhibited,” said dr Hardhi.
He also explained, soursop contain saponin compounds, polyphenols, as well as bioflavonoids that have antioxidant properties. Well, how to kill cancer cells by soursop is different with other herbs. Soursop just kills the cells or abnormal growth of specific cells such as free radicals existing cancer cells. But soursop does not destroy healthy cells.
Besides having good taste, soursop fruit also helps maintain health, prevent disease, and treat disease. This is because the soursop fruit can also reduce blood pressure, anti-parasite, a sedative that works to increase immunity and to overcome depression, arthritis, and also foruric acid.
“Consumption of soursop fruit again this should be encouraged so as not to become extinct because of the many benefits that can be obtained by eating this fruit,” said the doctor whopractices at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital this.
For in Indonesia, the research on the efficacy of soursop and other medicinal plants will be done in the near future. In this study, Dharmais Cancer Hospital will cooperate with Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine PDHMI facilitated. In this research, a combination therapy of drugs and herbs.
“This cooperation MoU has been signed and is expected to begin in December already begun to do research in Indonesia,” added Dr. Hardhi.
He said that at Nanjing University, this combination therapy has been performed. Cancer patients there did not experience nausea, hair loss, weight loss, and could still walk around as usual.
Combination therapy is expected to reduce the side effects of standard cancer therapies that do, such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, and can reduce the amount of chemotherapythat should be done by the patient.
Plants and fruits that are known to have anti-cancer effects, such as:
1. Tomatoes are known to treat prostate cancer, by eating tomatoes that have been boiled.

2. Red pepper is known to prevent colon cancer if consumed in the long term.
3. Grape seed is also known to have anti-cancer compounds. Therefore, if you eat grapes, look who has the seeds and eat with the skin.
4. Red betel leaf is known as an anti-breast cancer by boiling.
5. Wild Ginger is known to have active substance cursil that is as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.
“Some medicinal plants in Indonesia contain anti-cancer drugs, such as sitotoksin who has the ability to kill and detecting cells that grow abnormally. The compounds in this plant can functionin the form of joint, but there is also a single,” he said.


January 1, 2011

"My Status in Year"

"mystatusinyear" "mytopstatus" atau "mybeststatus", ada aja ya aplikasi akhir tahun... hhaha... :D
Status FB adalah mencerminkan sifat si pengguna FB. XD
Okee deh... intinya ya harus dimengerti, kenapa sih si mark zuckerberg ngasih pilihan "what's on your mind?" (klo di profil yg baru sudah gk ada lg, diganti share --> status). 

Hhehe, gw cm berpikir aja, knp selain facebook, jg tercipta yg namanya twitter dan plurk. Yang pasti pengguna twitter dan plurk lebih menggunakan jejaring itu untuk "mengabarkan" aktivitas harian mereka... :D dan biasanya sesuatu yang terbaik dari twitter dan plurk itu yang lalu dijadikan status facebook...

Pada dasarnya orang ini (saya) membuat status untuk beberapa hal, hhaha XD...

1. Ngabarin kegiatan yang penting (kaya jalan2 keluar negeri *ngarep) dan yang gak penting (misalnya, laper, ngantuk, pengen eek) : ini adalah tingkatan yang paling simpel

2. Cuma sekadar curhat tentang "how annoying this day", "how wonderful this day", "how sad this day", "how's your love" dll. (sudah bukan hal aneh lagi, status biasa dijadikan curhatan, yah mau kayamana, hhaha) : ini adalah tingkatan yang simpel

3. Memberikan informasi penting ataupun terkini buat teman-teman (yaa, salah satu fungsi 
yang sangat bermanfaat klo menurut gw) : ini adalah tingkatan agak moderat

4. Ngutip kata2 orang (atau kadang lirik lagu) yang dirasa bagus dan mengesankan (bukan hal yang salah, berarti kita sungguh menyukai kata/lagu orang tersebut, tp itu jadi salah, kalau kita gk nyantumin siapa yg buat) : ini adalah tingkatan yang moderate

5. Ngelawak atau ngelucu gak jelas (hhaha... rasanya gk penting, tapi kn sudah dibilang, status mencerminkan sifat si pengguna) : ini adalah tingkatan agak advanced (agak susah fren bkin lawakan secara tulisan, wkwkwk)

6. Menciptakan kata-kata orisinil, baik itu suatu realita yang ia padukan dengan idealisme yang ia miliki ataupun suatu kata dari hati nurani yang ia miliki, intinya status yang kayagini pastilah muncul dari pikiran dan hati si penulis, yang tertuang dalam bentuk "wise words" hasil pemikirannya, biasanya status ini tercipta dari poin nomor 2, yang telah diolah menjadi kata-kata yang bijak dari si penulis status : ini adalah tingkatan advanced (yang paling susah)

My Status in Year : link for facebook application "my status in year"

Here... status gw dari aplikasi ini...hanya sebagian...
Kata-kata yang muncul dari gw, kata-kata yang muncul karena seorang makhluk yang bernama "wanita" hhe... (soalnya kalo topiknya soal asmara pasti banyak yang mbaca)... XD
